Saturday, November 29, 2008

Cool cities

Since the start of the industrial revolution, we had faced several dangerous problem such us earth environmental issues which include raise in population, traffic delays, and increase in use of energy and these can cause to raise the carbon dioxide level on the earth. In this case, if don’t solve these problems we will need to need another earth to replace our own, but we know it’s impossible to replace it, so we have to live in one earth and decrease level of carbon dioxide by one half which is know by cool earth 50. During 30 years ago Japan has improved energy efficiency by 37 % and oil consumption has decrease 8%. Over 90% of carbon dioxide emitted into the air comes from buildings and transportation. The best solution to solve these problems was making Cool Cities.

Cool Cities are cities that build to reduce global warming renewable energy instead of fossil fuel. There are two types of network in these cities, Residential type and Urban. Cool cities also contain several different zones such as business and public zone, Resident zone, culture and sports zone. Also it contains resort, solar powered plant forms zones. In these cities there are also some zones that are contain office, hotels and hospitals.

video releated to Global Warming

Mad World - Project Global Warming


Global Warming - Click here for funny video clips

Climate Change and Global Warming

Most scientists believe that climate change is here and is human-induced, and that it will lead to more extreme weather patterns such as hurricanes and drought. Global warming means that the earth's overall air temp is rising. The one-two punch of carbon dioxide emissions and deforestation alter the global atmosphere. This is mainly from car exhaust, power plants and building emissions. When the earth's air temp rises even a few degrees, entire weather patterns change and get really extreme. This is already evident in the fierceness of hurricanes from Indonesia to New York City.

I took these information from:

Global warming picture

Thursday, November 6, 2008

My opinion about An Inconvenient Truth movie

In my opinion about this movie, it is a scientific because it was talking about the environment and global warming. I think the government should regulate emissions into our environment that because to be clean from any pollution and to be healthy to make people to live in a beautiful environment.

An Inconvenient Truth Summary

An Inconvenient Truth film was talking about the problems that effected on an environment and how effected on human health. Also it was mention many causes of global warming. The director who was talking about global warming on this movie is Philip Davis Guggenheim, who is a director and producer in 1964. So, the tone in the first scene was nature and the mood of AlGore setting was clam and comfortable. In the beginning he was portraring the environment such as green trees and the rivers, like it are very nice and it’s beautiful. Davis Guggenheim had talked about Algore, who is an American politician, teacher, businessman and environmentalist. Also he was the 45th Vice President of the United States in the Clinton administration from 1993 to 2001. Guggenheim was explaining Mark Twain’s quote that says “what gets us into trouble is not what we don’t know; it’s what we know for sure that just ain’t so. This means that is the earth so big and people use to think on way of another assumption about global warming. The place of the vast majority of the land mass and vegetation on earth was on the north of the quarter. The glaciers that were around the world were melting. Guggenheim said “there are 40% of people on earth get their drinking water from the rivers and from the glaciers of the hemmed. Then, the people will see in the ice after the US congress passed the Clean Air Act is the year that it has been done by the bubbles. However, Davis was compared between the two graphs of temperature in the Northern Hemisphere and Co2 concentrations it showed the closely fit together and warm. There are some consequences of the ocean temperature rising such as causes stronger storms and hurricane; rising sea level and ice melting end. The buildings and roads that were built on permafrost were falling down and the building collapsed. The Great Lakes were formed when the ice is melted. Gor had mentions some of the changes in ecological niches such as their dying, extinct bark battle and SARS. Also he described green land was melting. So he warns us about rise sea level. After that, he said “the ice that in Antarctic was melting. There are three factors contributed to the collision between our civilization and the earth such as the population, the new technological revelation and our ways o thinking. So, consequence of the growing population on earth is the demand of water and increases a using it up. We can help our economy grow and help the environment at the same time by using renewable resource. Finally, the mean of An Inconvenient Truth is that the truth will upset the people when they hear it about their environment.